Sunday, December 10, 2006

Forbidden Love and The Intellectual Ceratopsian

I can’t remember exactly what stimulus dictated that I pursue her, I only recall being unable to resist. So majestic her bearing and military her posture, I might have mistaken her for someone else entirely since her kind are not known for such grandeur. When she raised her head, her frill projecting an allure certainly irresistible to guys on the make, she became the princess of her realm searching for her prince. As the excess cycads dropped at her feet, the look on her face might lead a disinterested observer to believe that her encephalization quotient was much higher than 1.0.

But, it could never work out for us. I am but a lowly triceratops and she a magnificent protoceratops. Maybe someday, in a time of greater enlightenment, inter-species marriage will be tolerated, but not now. I think they’re afraid that our kids would be goofy. I love you, horn face, with a love that could quite possibly outlast the Cretaceous Era or perhaps even part of the Jurassic with any luck at all, one can never be completely sure about such things.


Anonymous said...

You're too old for her!

Bubba said...

Shhhhh... she doesn't realize that. Besides, with the little blue pill, she'll never suspect. Heh heh heh heh...