Saturday, December 16, 2006

Snicker, Snicker... Snork!

No matter who you are or what you do, there are times when you just need to let it go. Forget society, forget family, forget all the lessons your mother taught you about being polite... just for one shining moment, simply release all your frustrations, inhibitions and fears unto an unsuspecting world. Be a pain in the ass to total strangers, provide the impetus for someone to look down their nose at you, create a spectacle that others can point at and laugh.

You won't get any awards for it, there'll be no medals for heroism and there's a good chance that you'll receive some unwanted attention from the legal community, but for a few hours you'll experience the incomparable bliss that few other human experiences can rival.

During one of his weekly excursions into the world that only drunks and drug addicts can ever know, my father pointed out to me that there are more old drunks than there are old doctors.

He lived to celebrate his 82nd birthday.


Anonymous said...

The Christmas cherub would be upset with this, but she's exhausted and now too busy searching through Santa's kitchen for the cooking sherry. Got room for one more on this odyssey?

Bubba said...

Absolutely... in fact, come over to my house and we'll kick it in the street together. I haven't had a drink in nearly 10 years and I'm sure I'd be a cheap drunk. Heehee...

Ummm... do you suppose a bail-bondsman will take MasterCharge?