Tuesday, June 17, 2008

And we had such high hopes...

Where did it all go wrong?


Anonymous said...

Ah, geeeez!

kaylee said...

His parents must be so
shamed and sad.


paisley said...

well i am just finishing up my thesis on fellatio and still have high hopes i will lick it this time...

Scot said...


Tina Trivett said...

wtf...you find the weirdest stuff Bob...lol.

Anonymous said...

friend and i put together an awesome science project one year...we debunked the theory that little mikey of life cereal fame died from the explosive effects of mixing pop rocks with soda by scarfing down the sh*t all morning... then i went home and puked...

ah the sacrifices i have made, all in the name of science...

Anonymous said...

Those are cool. Is it too late to reneg on our wager re golf. Tiger is an amazing athlete, to get out of that without hitting a decent drive for five days. Victory on one leg, amazing. There's still a question though, I know he has fantasy life, beautiful kids, real generousity of spirit, but I still wonder if the sacrifices his father forced on him, well, you know the issue as well as I do, having read your autobiography. Anyway, just checking in to make sure you are okay. You're a fine writer, big feller, but more importantly (re the previous issue) a fine human being and that, I fear, is becoming rarer and more precious. I am off to play a round on the Xbox, my virtual golf, like my virtual writing,

Anonymous said...

I'll have you know my BS science project I made up in high school was to combine two different sodas together, then ask the subject if they could tell which two were mixed. The point? Well... I told the teacher it was an aim at becoming a better mixologist. He gave me a C.