Friday, December 28, 2007

Exfoliation? We don't need no stinkin' exfoliation!

It is not my normal M.O. to discuss ‘taste’… for reasons that, by now, should be obvious. I read and hear on-going assessments and pontifications about others’ taste (or lack thereof) and I’ve come to the conclusion that anything varying more than about 2 degrees from our own personal moral compass setting is distasteful.

Take the photo I posted above as Exhibit One. There can be little doubt that some of you will find it distasteful. No? Oh, come on… I see you wrinkling up your nose, lady. But think of it this way: Who’s hurt by it? Certainly not the tattoo artist who painstakingly applied his/her myriad talents in its application… and not the subject’s buddies who snickered and laughed the entire time it was being inked, although I suppose it could be argued that ponying up the money might have been distasteful…

No, the only person who should have any problems with this whatsoever is the canvas himself. Look, he has to sober up soon… and then there will be decisions to be made.
Will I tire of signing autographs when I go shirtless at the beach? Do I keep it and blindfold my wife every time I desire a little oral gratification? Is it cheaper to have it removed or hire a good divorce attorney?

So, let’s forget all the ‘tasteless’ talk, shall we? Unless you’re talking about smearing strawberry jam all over his navel and diving in, I don’t think you’re qualified.


Anonymous said...

Damn it, Bob! Does this mean I have to give up my love of strawberry jam?

Bubba said...

Uhhh... no... your call, Ma'am... you just may want to be selective about where you put it.

Word Catalyst Magazine said...

I'm just much did that one cost you?

Jo Janoski said...

And how drunk were you?

Bubba said...

Just because a guy takes an avant-garde approach to body art, doesn't necessarily mean that he's 'pushed the envelope' in regards to any social ramifications of adult beverages. Now, I know who had their noses wrinkled.

Sheesh... you take one little chance with *hic*, 'scuse me... now where was I?

paisley said...

i am a huge fan of body art and modification,, but i do agree,, this is taking it a bit to the left.......

kaylee said...

Well at least it is a cat,
I shudder when I think of all
the other choices.

Anonymous said...

As a word man I can usually find something to say about almost anything...but not this...oh, maybe just a word - how about (permanent)

Dan said...

That'll look sweet at about age 75; cat all deflated, looking like it's been run over, with its sphincter still winkin' at ya.