Saturday, February 16, 2008

Unfinished and Untitled...

... and if you're capable of completing the first paragraph/sentence without first poking both your eyes out with an icepick, you'll understand why. I don't really know why I do this, it really shows very little regard for my readers' sensibilities and even less for the 'rules' of good writing. I am, at my lowest common denominator, a pusillanimous reprobate incapable of even a modicum of respect for others, a low-grade fever, a contemptible pustule filled with bilious vitriol. And those are my good points...

Once upon a time, in a land that never really existed but I wish it did because it would make it far easier to provide details in a story rather than pulling them out of my ass and just hoping that they might sound conceivable to a discerning potential reader, there lived a loosely-bound group of genetically-linked hominids capable of most all the mental and physical characteristics available to other members of their species, but who, through eons of diligence and practice, became specialized with speech patterns emphasizing broad speculative interpretations of available data interspersed with factoids only peripherally aligned with any subject being discussed, resulting in overly-long, nearly-imperceptible, exhaustingly-inarticulate sentences that went on and on and on… except when they needed to fart, of course, which was pretty often given the fact that they ate a diet composed mainly of a chili-cheese mixture embellished with corn chips and wrapped in flour tortillas, washing it down with a warm stale beer called Swillyesbutstilltasty.

Now, for all their social unacceptability and borderline sociopathy, they also possessed an innate kindness that forbade them to drown kittens or beat puppies, although the occasional flushing-of-goldfish was permitted as punishment of and object lesson to a disobedient child. This disavowal of violence and general amity and harmony with their neighbors, naturally, led to their rejection by the local Republican Party, forcing their representatives to minority positions in the area legislatures and virtually prohibiting the possibility that a member of their band ever be elected President. In fact, so apathetic was their population and so anti-establishment was their voting base that special laws had been enacted to summarily prohibit participation in the legislative process in any way unless and until they could prove that they subscribed to the State doctrine of Going-Along-To-Get-Along (refined from the previously-popular but highly politically incorrect Don't-Say-Shit-Even-If-You-Have-A-Mouthful).

Did I mention the name of this fascinating yet highly flawed group? Sorry, sometimes in my frenzied fervor to feed you festive fonts of alliterative details, I tend to forget the formalities and fail to identify my foragers. Let’s call them… Etruscans. Yes, I realize that there was a real civilization by that name, native inhabitants of ancient Etruria who influenced the Romans (who had, in recognition of this influence, suppressed them in typical Roman fashion until about 200 BC), but it’s the only one I can think of right now, so it’ll have to do.

There were lots of monsters living in the area immediately contiguous to the Etruscans, too. Ranging in size and intelligence from massive to miniscule, although the two indices were not in every case proportional, these beasts provided daily challenges to Etruscan existence.


paisley said...

so apathetic was their population and so anti-establishment was their voting base

for all rights and purposes, i myself have not fallen,, but leaped into the above mentioned apathetic melting pot,, so i think i am better off keeping my opinions to myself.....

Anonymous said...

Hey, you can't just leave us hanging like that...not even a to-be-continued or nuthin'! Think of your fans, man...those faithful who shout "Run-on sentences be damned - if Bob wrote it, I'm reading it!"

More, please.

; )

Bubba said...

Paisley-- Then I can assume your Etruscan lineage? Welcome home, sister...

kaylee said...

Etruscan lineage?
I do not got any of that
can I stay any way?
I will be good ( not)

Anonymous said...

I second that emotion:


Jo Janoski said...

I don't know if I have any Etruscan in me, but I'm staying anyway...

Jo Janoski said...

I don't know if I have any Etruscan in me, but I'm staying anyway...

Bubba said...

paisley-- Oh, blather... come on in, the water's fine!

Karen and Amuirin-- Be careful what you wish for... you might get it. Ha!

Kaylee-- Never let it be said that I asked anyone to be good... I'm willing to settle for adequate.

Jo-- Etruscan... no Etruscan... por nada. You can sit in any seat you want in my theater. (Except, of course, the one with the popcorn and Coke already sitting on it... I'm saving that one for Kramer.)

Anonymous said...

I just started Frances Hayes 'Under the Tuscan Sun' yesterday, and the word 'Etruscan' has come up about a half dozen times in the first four chapters.

Kinda weird. Never really knew/noticed that word before you wrote it here.

Bubba said...

amuirin-- Well, I guess the secret has to come out. Frances read "Unfinished and Untitled..." and became so enamored with 'Etruscans' that she called me for permission to use my secret word. Of course, I'm now receiving 0.12479% of her royalties for the privilege... if the book does well, I should be receiving close to $2 over the next several years.

I knew I'd 'make it' someday...