Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Church's Law of Intractable Definition

Every engineer, at some point, finds equations that have no practical solution outside the realm of null sets… no logarithmic value for irony, no indices that include supercilious smiles, no random variables defining limits of affection when extracted from radicals as defined by love on the ascension and hate on the decline. What value is attributed to a baby’s expression as it reaches out in wide-eyed wonder and with one finger gently touches your nose? Is your teenage daughter’s snit (upon being reprimanded for a low mark in school) assigned a positive or negative coefficient? How much quantum energy must be applied to the note you write to your neighbor’s wife when he succumbs to injuries sustained from the freeway crash?

No matter how closely we try to control our values, either positive or negative, or how many scientifically supported definitions we apply to contain the random aspects of our endeavors, no one can assign even a single constant that applies to everyone, every time.

This might explain why an engineer (or more specifically, this engineer) is so grateful for every single person who reads his ridiculous words. Remember… sanity cannot be quantified; it can only be deduced, and then only with great peril.


hfurness said...

Hey man, this is one of the best stops on days I get out - thanks for your view on this old earth. - a fan

Jo Janoski said...

This is the only place I can come to read this stuff! There's nowhere like it, man!

Anonymous said...

It's good to see you back!

Anonymous said...

that's kinda deep, that last line.

We're pretty grateful for you too, Bob.

Scot said...

you make me smile after I look up a bunch of words :)

Bubba said...

Harry-- Thanks, man... I appreciate it.

Jo-- I guess you're right... I think people say the same thing about looney bins. :)

Noah-- It's great to be back. Come to think of it, when you get to be my age, it's great to be anywhere above ground.

Amuirin-- Thanks a lot... really. It's gratifying to know you feel that way.

Scot-- Well, you work in the right place for it. Heehee...

paisley said...

well this here free radical just happens to like the supercilious brand of quantum energy you be dishin' up........

Anonymous said...

Experience resonating,

kaylee said...

How did I miss this?
I blame Bush.
Your site is the best part
of the day.
SO never never go away


Bubba said...

Paisley-- Ooooohhh... I love it when you speak plasma physics. Ha!

gingatao-- Indeed, it does. Thanks...

Kaylee-- I promise... oh, wait, I just got back from another three-day hiatus to points west... Oh, well... I'll do my best.

R.L. Bourges said...

sanity is vastly overrated, bubba. Tried it once - almost died of boredom.

Anonymous said...

Aw, maaaaaan, you need a hug!!!