Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I get letters...

Today's Horoscope:

Today, if you aren't careful, you may accidentally insult someone by a poor choice of words, and hurt their feelings. In particular, the expression "hideously deformed" may not be as neutral as you might have originally thought.

Alright, let's get started. It seems that yesterday's offering might have been just the tiniest-bit heavy-handed. I should know better than to sit down behind the business end of a keyboard less than two hours after watching CNN. But, those of you who took the time to remind me of my literary shortcomings (and you were monumental in number) can take solace from the knowledge that I am profoundly chastened by your voluminous discordant missals. This morning, I'd like to share some of the mail I've been getting from my readers:

Dear Bubba (if that truly is your name, which I doubt to be the case),

When are you finally going to die? Your column is
easily the worst thing I've ever read. It is neither insightful
nor enjoyable. Do us all a favor and die. Die! Die, die, die,
die, die!

Have a nice day.

Sister Carmelita Finster, Caramelite Sisters of Carmel

Sister, I'd love to die, actually, if for no other reason, just to make your life complete. Unfortunately, I've been cursed with good genetics and a relatively healthy lifestyle. Therefore (the possibility of a huge meteorite or out-of-control bus notwithstanding), it's likely I'll outlive you by twenty years. Further, I intend to continue writing my column and in spite of your contempt, you will be forced to keep reading it because not even super-human faith can deny the mojo I hold over you. Think of it as penance. In fact, think of everything as penance. Oh, wait-- too late for that one. Never mind.

Dear Bubba,

My husband installed a new fixture in our bathroom.
It sits right next to and resembles the toilet bowl, only
without a seat. When I turn the handle sitting on top,
water jets up in the air! What in the world is it?

Audrey LaDouceur, Parsiphany, New Jersey

Mrs. LaDouceur, it is a toilet, and your husband is an idiot who doesn't know how to hook it up. What other possible explanation could there be? Good grief, woman, use your head! Sheesh... that's what you get for marrying some French guy.

Dear Bubba,

I've always wanted to learn to speak a foreign
language. You've always been so helpful with your
advice, can you tell me where I can purchase
a book on Prussian?

LaMelle Thasquidian, Prince Edward Island

Mr(s). Thasquidian, today is your lucky day. I've just finished my new best-seller, Prussian For Your Shy Sasquatch. It's a step-by-step dual purpose tutorial, combining the newest techniques in language skills and toilet-training for your own urban legend! In the event that you don't have a sasquatch, the same methods apply for a yeti or skunk ape. Just send me a cashier's check (or cash) for only $260, and you'll be soon be snuggling and cooing all those Prussian sweet-nothing's to your favorite sub-human.

Okay, that's enough. Get out of here, you knuckleheads... there's customers to swindle aplenty, and you haven't checked last night's Lotto numbers yet... you could already be a multimillionaire.

Until tomorrow... same bad time, same bad channel.


Tina Trivett said...

hehe...funny stuff Bob. Great to start the day with a smile...thanks.

Oh, and Prussian Blue is a pretty color. :)

Anonymous said...


Funny! I wish I had the mojo to make everyone have to read my writing.

Scot said...

bob--laughing here with flood waters receding!

Anonymous said...

haha, nuns amongst your loyal readership? we are among good company then.

Anonymous said...

I certainly wouldn't worry about the toilet lady. Anyone who has never watched Crocodile Dundee obviously has no class to start with. I wish I'd get letters. You get to do all the fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

I can not stop laughing
and this is not a good thing
cause I am doing open heart

One of the funnest ever
did I mention it was funny?



paisley said...

oh to be privy to the thought process behind this kind of stuff,,, just once in my humble life......

Bubba said...

Tina-- Thank ya, thank ya... I'll take your word about Prussian blue... but if you'd like a copy of the book to go along with it, I'll give you a big discount.

Noah-- I got it when God took away everything else.

Scot-- All kidding aside, I'm really happy to hear the flooding is just about over. We were spared.

Gingatao-- Oh, yea, all the sisters think it's cool.

Shirley-- Yea, letters are cool, no doubt about it. Sometimes the clergy can get a little testy, but...

Kaylee-- Put down that scalpel. I thought we already had our talk about the surgeon thing... you can keep the BMW, but you really need to give the implements a rest.

Paisley-- I know what you mean, kid... me, too. I just wake up one morning and there it is. Sometimes I don't even have to wake up...

hfurness said...

Wow, you get letters??? great stuff and wonderful insight and aim at the rest of us - thanks, a fan

R.L. Bourges said...

bubba, if madame Ladouceur gives you any further grief, send her to me. I also married a French guy and have become wise to their wily ways.
(and what is wrong with the expression "hideously deformed"? sheesh, people are so touchy...)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of letters, since you are, yesterday I got the 2nd failure notice on a 2nd e-mail I'd sent you in a week.

I guess what I was trying to say didn't want to be sent, but I've e-mailed unsuccessfully, so you know.


Anonymous said...

I might be daft and missing out on a joke here, but are these letters for real? And is the column they are talking about this blog here or do you write for a paper or something?

I wish I got such lovely hate mail: I never seem to be able to inspire such feelings in people. Whenever I get saucy with people they just ignore me or block me, or worse yet, completely demolish me with superior wit and arguments.

I have to agree with Noahthegreat, I wish I had such mojo.

Great stuff!

Bubba said...

Lee-- Aren't they, though? Some of my best friends are hideously deformed.

Amuirin-- I don't know why that's the case, unless it has something to do with the moon... I can't explain it. Sorry... I'll try to email you.

Peter-- thanks. No, I don't really get letters like this. You didn't miss anything, I make 'em all up. It's just me trying to be silly. It helps me clear the cobwebs... I think it's probably on a par with hiring someone to come out and pump your septic tank, except I don't have to pay him. heh heh heh